How it all began

“We fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”

August 28, 2012: University of Minnesota

The Meeting

Tucked in the basement of Bailey Hall was the first “mixer” in the dorms. Julia and Shikha were people watching in the back of the room when “6-Pack Jimmy” introduced us to his “pretty alright” roommate - the one and only - Danny Kagan.

January 23, 2013: University of Minnesota

The Spark

The University of Minnesota has three different campuses. One where all your classes are, one a few steps to the left where you’ll go get lunch, and one in a different city that is only accessible via bus fare, a prayer to good weather, and a snack to tide you over the 30+ minute commute. Luckily, you get to know all the other St. Paul commuters and find that you’re both stuck on this bus so you might as well get to know each other. Late Friday night Spanish classes for us led to late Bailey Hall bus rides, which led to a blossoming friendship. It wasn't until many months later that we decided that maybe it wasn't just friends in the stars for the two of us...

The rest of this story…

You all helped write. We travelled to your homes, we laughed at dinners with you, we cheered at your weddings. We held on tight to each other, and we flew through life.

And kept falling in love…

All along the way

And the rest is history

10 years, 2 states,


One love of a lifetime